“Colonial” Education is a tool to Oppress & Control Afro-Americans -Jamaal Bowman
Jamaal Bowman: our “colonial” education is used to control and oppress people of color.

Bowman: “Capitalism is slavery by another name”
Capitalism is not slavery; it is Freedom!
N.Y. ‘good cause eviction’ Law of the Working Family & Communist Party = More Bad News for N.Y. Owners and Renters
Working Family Party and Communist Party Good Cause Eviction Law, is Bad Policy

The Squad cannot be “the future” of the Democrat Party
If this is truly the future of the Democrat party in America, and if they maintain power, then our nation and the communities these people represent are in peril.

A Communist, Marxist, Socialist Agenda Will Starve Us All
If Bowman and his comrades have their way, the citizens will starve, while the statist’s in power will thrive- feeding off the rest of us.

Bowman Shouts to Defund The Police b/c He Loves our Kids??
Jamaal Bowman, The Squad, and the Marxists look at public safety and crime from their own flawed perspectives, which has led to the lawlessness we are experiencing today

Bowman Calls for ‘Dramatic Revolution’ to End Systemic Racism in America
Thomas Sowell: Those who promote victimhood imagine they are helping those at the bottom, when in fact they are harming them…before the ideology of victimhood there was no gap on test scores between black schools in Harlem and white, working-class schools on the lower east side